Creative Mod

by jodli

Based on the old Creative Mode mod created by Y.Petremann, then patched by Pac0master, and also the Test Mode mod created by rk84. By enabling Creative Mode in the game, you can access objects that can generate unlimited items, fluid or energy, or nullify them. Perfect for testing purpose or making initial setup for games. Quick patch for 0.16 until an official release - everything should work now. Quick patch for 0.17 until an official release - if ever...

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g large deconstruction crash

6 months ago

using instant-deconstruct over large area causes freeze/crash/ "factorio not responding".

Internally, i would have expected the native engine code to take a large deconstruction or list of commands and simply do them in sequence, not caring how many entries there are...apparently not. it tries to do it all in a single tick...which....160,000+ entities to remove in a single tick is gonna not go over well.

6 months ago

(I think this is related loosely --caused by the same basic core engine issues) that resulted in HANG-ups when clicking the "research ALL" button. Game just tries to do it all ALL at once, and it doesn't appreciate that.

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