Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Any hope for a 2.0 version

4 months ago

I havent checked yet if anything this mod relies on had major changes in 2.0, did anyone have a look yet ?

4 months ago

I haven't exactly been keeping up very well, but i assume there will be some things that need work because of the update. There is also the vanilla assembler circuit control, which is definitely something that needs looking into.

Regardless though, this mod has been in sore need of many fixes and some cleanup for ages now. For example blueprinting is broken in several ways atm...

I will keep this in mind and hopefully i can find some time to work on it again, but im not a schoolgirl anymore and my free time has become rather limited lately, so i can't promise anything.

4 months ago

I dont think its needed anymore. Everything in this mod is now in vanilla. You can get the recipe ingredients via selector combinator, you can set recipes via control bevahiour. You can also read the contents etc. of tbe machine that way. I still love what Rusty did with this mod, but I think it is time for it to rest.

4 months ago

I'm honestly hoping so since the chances of me being able to keep up with it are pretty low atp... From what i've read tho, it seems there are still a few use cases that the vanilla solution can't handle, but i'll need to actually try it out properly to confirm that. But at the very least it should be possible to simplify a lot.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

oh i didnt realise there was a vanilla version now. i somehow ignored the selector combinator thinking it was from a mod for something else xD.
i also never tried to circuit wire directly to a assembling machine, which turns out is a thing now haha.

4 months ago

seems it could still be useful for getting the recipe ingredients. The only way i found so far to get the ingredients is to read them from the assembler but if you are using the set recipe option on the assembler as well and have multiple in a chain it all goes into a mess. It would be nice to have a simple Combinator that takes no config and for any item/recipe just outputs the ingredients for it. That said if there is any easy way to do it build in that would be great as well but while i could use the selector to breakup signals i could not workout how to just get ingredients for a recipe from it. If it worked with
Compact circuits even better

2 months ago

I'm looking for a solution for getting a recipe from a signal without needed to feed it into an assembly machine. If anyone comes up with a solution, I'd love to hear it.

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