Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Bad signal -> stuck fail state forever

10 months ago

When a c-combinator attempts to set a recipe that hasn't been researched or otherwise has no valid recipes, it blocks valid recipes from being selected.
context: I'm making a machine that walks through a long self-dependent recipe, ending in one I haven't yet researched but want. All products are being used.
Example: In Space Exploration, inserter crafting takes the previous tier of inserter. Burner->Standard->Fast->Stack. In this example, stack hasn't been researched. The first time the crafting combinator attempts to select it, it will fail and never set anything again, despite demand for the other types resurging due to being used.
Expected behavior:
When presented with multiple recipe signals, including a bad recipe signal, it should ignore the bad signal
Actual behavior
The c-combinator enters a fail state it won't recover from unless the bad signal is removed. (untested if it recovers on researching the recipe, likely not.)

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