Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g 248K Mod Recipes Don't Work

2 years ago

I'm playing with 248K mod (along with SE + K2), and the crafting combinator will write all recipes except for the ones exclusive to 248k. For example, it won't write to an assembler the recipes for 248K's arc furnace/purifier/metal caster, and it won't write to the delivery cannon the recipe for delivering 248K intermediates, such as lithium or fiberglass. Is there something that can be changed to make this possible, or is this an incompatibility for some reason (that could hopefully be fixed)?

2 years ago

Nevermind, I just figured out that there's a special recipe category for picking certain recipes

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)


2 years ago

Nevermind, I just figured out that there's a special recipe category for picking certain recipes

Hello pyroavatar91 I have the same problem like you in 248k with Crafting Combinator, but I can not figure out what your scentence about the sollution means

2 years ago

Just ran into this problem myself!

So unlike most of the other recipes where you can just feed the icon of the item into the crafting combinator the 248k crafting machines (haven't tested intermediate products yet) require you to send through the recipe signal from the new recipe tab that the crafting combinator generates.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

because recipe name and product name not same

try chain product -> get recipes -> filter recipes -> get ingredients
it looks a bit ugly but it works

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