Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

i Non-recipe signals

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Checking "Read the machine's crafting speed" and "Read crafting status" prevents recipe combinators from outputting recipe ingredient signals. It can be worked around by having two separate Read CCs. Also, the default recipe ingredient time multiplier prevents Write CCs from outputting recipe signals to a machine; setting it to 9 or lower seems to fix this. It needs to be fixed every time because combinator settings revert to defaults (Write, time multiplier = 10) when blueprinted/copy-pasted.

It would be great if 1) blueprinted settings saved consistently and/or 2) non-recipe signals were ignored by the combinators. Even preventing checking recipe+non-recipe signals at the same time in the UI could reduce player confusion.

3 years ago

Aside from blueprinting being broken, this works as intended and I don't want to add an extra limitation on reading just for this reason... Admittedly the the recipe combinator could use a better explanation, maybe I'll finally get around to it one day :|

Non-recipe signals aren't ignored because of performance. Always using the highest value signal allows me to skip the vast majority of the logic as long as the highest signal doesn't change, which I deemed worth the tradeoff.

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