Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Ingredients for multiple recipes?

4 years ago

Is there a mode where the recipe combinator can output the ingredients for all of the input recipes instead of just the "strongest" signal? Or could such a mode be added?

Anticipating the question, "Why would you want to do that?": I organise my factory in modules that consist of a storehouse (from the warehousing mod) surrounded by six assembling machines. I have a constant combinator that I can set what I want the module to build and this can be several recipes; it will do them in turn until it produces as many as I asked for in the constant combinator. I then have a logistics system (based around the LTN mod) that can automatically supply the ingredients to build the outputs I've requested.

The problem at the moment is that, because the recipe combinator only outputs the ingredients for a single recipe, the logistics system only provides the ingredients for whatever it's currently building, where it could also be buffering up the ingredients for the other recipes ready for when the module changes to building something else. The result is that whenever the current recipe changes, the module usually has to wait a bit while a train goes and fetches the ingredients for the new recipe and utilisation is relatively low. If I could get the ingredients for all the recipes, I could always have everything there ready for when the recipe changes.

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