Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Locale/item prototypes error on startup

4 years ago

Crafting Combinator v0.16.1 on Factorio 1.1, crashes on startup:

68.744 Loading mod crafting_combinator 0.16.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
68.824 Error ModManager.cpp:1555: Failed to load mod "crafting_combinator": rusty-locale/prototypes.lua:48: No prototype called rtf-uniseed-seed found for type item, these prototypes with the name exist: {}
Please report this to
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
rusty-locale/prototypes.lua:48: in function 'find'
rusty-locale/icons.lua:62: in function 'of'
rusty-locale/icons.lua:56: in function <rusty-locale/icons.lua:42>
(...tail calls...)
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:120: in function 'make_signal_for_recipe'
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:165: in function 'process_recipe'
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:196: in main chunk

4 years ago

This is not really my problem, but rather this mod leaving invalid prototypes around between data stages... I'm not sure what exactly it does, but I'm guessing it deletes some invalid prototypes in data-final-fixes, based on the various crashes I got from a few other mods. You'll probably have better luck reporting it to them - I do enough hacks to fix others' shitty modding practices already...

4 years ago

Thanks, I disabled the mod and reported the bug to them.

New response