Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

i Recipes by machines

4 years ago

Any chance of an option to the recipe combinator that will output all recipes crafted in a given machine? The would really be a big help.

4 years ago

That doesn't sound impossible, though I'm a little worried about the amount of result signals it could produce... I'll think about it.

4 years ago

If it helps, my current work-around is to create vast arrays of constant combinators grouped by machine, with all the recipes each can make. It's laborious and error-prone, and produces just as many signals as all possible outputs that the recipe combinator creates. (currently 2,800 signals for >300 machines for Pyanadon)

4 years ago

That's the thing though, those 2800 signals don't have to all be squeezed into a single combinator :D Last time I checked, constant combinators with a huge number of signal slots like that got really slow...

I don't remember the numbers tho, and something may have changed since then to make it less painful, so I'll have to check either way.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I just tested it.

The Transport Drones mod adds a recipe for every item and fluid in the game for the purpose of logistics. Each recipe require a drone as an ingredient, and asking a recipe combinator to list all the recipes that include a drone gives ~2800 signals as expected.

4 years ago

OOF I guess they did fix it then :D

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