Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Crash when deconstruct

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Log :
2918.223 Error MainLoop.cpp:1183: Exception at tick 22334463: The mod Crafting Combinator caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event crafting_combinator::on_marked_for_deconstruction (ID 20)
crafting_combinator/script/cc.lua:77: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
crafting_combinator/script/cc.lua:77: in function 'mark_for_deconstruction'
crafting_combinator/control.lua:193: in function <crafting_combinator/control.lua:191>

Edit :
Figured what happen, there's no Crafting combi entity in the deconstruction filter list.

5 years ago

Uhm, that shouldn't be possible? There should never be a module chest without a combinator, but the fact that it even reached that line means that that was the case. What did you do exactly to make it crash? It couldn't have possibly been just a normal deconstruct...

5 years ago

Just normal deconstruct, not even using filter or anything.
Is it possible a combination of other mod cause it ? There are tons of mod in my save.

I can send you the save file if you want to check.
But i don't see any PM in this mod portal, wary sharing file to public.

5 years ago

That is possible and having the save would definitely help in that case.

You can pm me on the forum, in the factorio discord or send an email to
I'm about to go to bed tho, and I probably won't have time for this until Wednesday, so no need to hurry ;)

5 years ago

So it turned out to be an issue with moving the combinators using picker. All the hidden entities stayed where they were, but there are several places where I expected them to be in the correct spot. Anyway, it should be fixed in 0.10.16, which should also clean up any of the leftover settings entities that you had scattered all over the place, likely as a result of moving combinators around.

New response