These are certainly valid ideas and I will take them into consideration, but I have some things to say here:
(a) will be quite useless on it's own. The required companion feature would be to allow reading assembler type with crafting combinator as well. It might also be somewhat complicated to implement, but certainly not impossible.
(b) would need to be changed a bit, as other mods may add other modules that are limited to certain recipes. The way I could see this implemented would be either all allowed modules or all forbidden modules. Also, similarly to (a), it would be quite useful to have the ability to read what modules are in an assembler for this.
Also, from your last paragraph I get the impression that crafting combinator doesn't work with chem plants, which is not true. It can work with pretty much anything. To be precise, anything that has entity type assembling-machine
, which (somewhat confusingly) includes chem plants, refineries and pretty much anything else of that sort.
Cheers TRK