Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

i Recipe Combinator I/O

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Would it be possible to make the recipe combinator have separate inputs and outputs, like the decider and arithmetic combinators? This would stop the annoying feedback that happens when you accidentally make a loop.

It would also allow for a few more situations. For example, I want to build a combinator circuit where I set an input (say a rocket part) and the output would be the number and type of ingredients needed to build the input. I'm pretty sure it's possible with the current state of the mod, but would take a huge number of combinators to add the ingredients back up.

Edit: Thinking about it a bit more, this suggestion would break current blueprints, which would suck. A possible workaround would be to add another item, "Recipe Combinator MKII" or something that works per my suggestion.

7 years ago

You're not the first one to suggest this and I agree that it's a good idea. I even have a decent idea of how to implement it, just not enough time. I think I'll be able to work on this a bit on the weekend, so hopefully some progress will be made then.

As for the blueprints, I don't think it would be too hard to leave the old combinator in as a 'legacy' option and disallow crafting any more of them. When a blueprint using this old combinator would be placed, the mod would place it artificially and tell you to update your blueprints. Then, maybe in a distant future release when virtually no blueprints use the old combinators, it could be removed entirely.

Cheers TRK

7 years ago

There is an issue with the recipe combinator in its 1x1 form: If you remove the input signal, it takes its output as in input for 1 tick and this continues until its output is empty for one tick. So if you had "empty barells" as input signal and remove it, the next tick it returns 5 iron and after that 1 iron ore. This issue would be fixed with seperate in and output.

I only tried this with time multippicater 0 in the settings, maybe that has something to do with it.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

There is an issue with the recipe combinator in its 1x1 form: If you remove the input signal, it takes its output as in input for 1 tick and this continues until its output is empty for one tick. So if you had "empty barells" as input signal and remove it, the next tick it returns 5 iron and after that 1 iron ore. This issue would be fixed with seperate in and output.

I have the same issue all my blueprints contain a arithmetic so I can filter the output from the input.
Having it 2x1 would fix this and help alot.

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