Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Can't pickup item from overflowchest.

7 years ago

Inserter or player(ctrl+click) can't pickup item(s) that is last recipe ingredients from overflowchest after changed setted recipe.

7 years ago

Hi, inserters should be able to pick the items up if you set 'Regular Chest' as the item destination. I'm working on a way to make this better right now, so inserters will be able to take items out no matter what settings you have.

As for the player, that is an issue I've been trying to solve for quite some time. Maybe I'll figure something out eventually, but for now, this is how it's going to be.
If some items get stuck in the combinator (maybe if you don't have robots yet), mining it should return them to the player, so you won't lose any precious modules or anything.

Cheers TRK

7 years ago

I see and found the problem after some test on basis of your response.

At first, i used a crafting combinator in basic setting as usual.
After some crafting, i noticed to the configue ui.
So i change it's mode from active-provider to regular chest(Good, It's the one for it!!).

But already, the overflaw chest keeped some ingredients.
Thereby, the chest was still an active-provider and refused to accessing by inserter.

The case and causing is solved. thx. =)

New response