Crafting Efficiency

Adds technology to increase the efficiency of some recipes, auto updates recipes in assembly machines and adds a function for modders to add efficiency recipes for their items

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g How to add CE to other mod packs?

2 months ago

I tried to adding the reciepes in the settings-value.lua, but it seems to be missing the pictures. I want to add all the pY-science packs and the intermediaries with several tiers like mecanical parts..

2 months ago

you can check the file data.lua of my mod, they contain an example of using CE_Add_Recipe()

2 months ago

Thank you very much, exactly what i was looking for :)

2 months ago

whould it be possible to also add modded science pack tiers into the levels of the reciepe.lua files? I want pY1 to be level 2 then logistics level 3 etc..

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

i modify the ingredients and cost of the recipe, but i got a message like what the py-science pack didn't exist,
thx to pennyjim who find a hack, needed to add if b[1] ~= "automation-science-pack" and b[1] ~= "py-science-pack-1" and b[1] ~= name then... in the recipe.lua file
It may be a py problem as the techs are define as py-science-pack-mk0x, and the items themselves as py-science-pack-x...

a month ago

When i can i check it, it's seem strange that not find the tech, because the mod search an technology that unlock x recipe

a month ago

It didn't find the item, didn't complain about the tech... the b[1] ~= line did the trick tho.
it still won't work with turds as they are recipes not unlock by science directly, but as everything else seems to works just fine now, i just have to copy paste for the 2000 intermediaries and grind the science to have everything cheap (i reduce the cost drasticaly too so it stay reasonable time wise but it gets quite op quite fast).
I thank you very much for your time and your mod ofc :)

a month ago

Can you send the code that are you using?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

in the local function add_research(name, count) i end up with
elseif level >= 9 then
ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 40 }, { "py-science-pack-1", 30 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 20 },
{ "py-science-pack-2", 10 },{ "chemical-science-pack", 6 }, { "py-science-pack-3", 3 },{ "production-science-pack", 2 },{ "py-science-pack-4", 1 },
{ "utility-science-pack", 1 } }
cost_multiplier = 9

and a bit further i had to add the py stuff here too (whithout that i got an error)
for a, b in pairs(ingredients) do
if b[1] ~= "automation-science-pack" and b[1] ~="py-science-pack-1" and b[1] ~="py-science-pack-2" and b[1] ~= "py-science-pack-3" and b[1] ~="py-science-pack-4" and b[1] ~=name then
table.insert(prerequisites, b[1])

that's all, the rest was just tweaking values and putting all that stuff in the data.lua file, i do them as i go and play so i'm about 10% finish..

a month ago

Check on the github of my mod how to make a custom productivity, currently i don't think that the productivity i declare can me edited, but anyone can add their own productivity.
you can check the attributes.txt for an explaination + example and/or check crafting-efficiency-2/settings-value.lua to see how i declare all the productivity

a month ago

thank you, i use the example you put in the data.lua to add what i need (i think it was some AAI stuff), as i unlock a new tech i add the unlocked stuff i need one by one, as it would be way too difficult for me to create a function that automatically add stuff, but i also don't want to upgrade everything to avoid cluter and keep the sink recipies sinking and things i don't plan to use or that already comes with tier upgrades... the way your mod works is exactly what i was looking for, i just needed to sink all science packs to avoid getting too much byproducts on some recipies..
I think i could do better in the data.lua that checking for every recipe if mods["pypostprocessing"] then.. for each and every item tho ^^ the setting-value don't seems to agree with py stuff so i mostly remove everything that i didn't need in that file and went full data instead (that file will be at least 40 000 lines long when i'm finish with it)...

a month ago

my suggest is to work in data-final-fixes.lua, because the mods non put the recipe every time in data.lua, before i had this type of problems when i can't find the recipe, or i find the recipe and it's not the recipe that you see on the game.

a month ago

thank you, indeed i should use that as py have extensive overwrites that way as they use that for modularity inside the suite i think, can i use data-final-fixes.lua, whithout a data-update.lua?

a month ago

Of course that you can.

a month ago

hi, it seems the fix didn't quite work as intended. I didn't notice as i play along (400h to chemicals...), the ingredients cost don'' t update past level 5, every further research cost level 5, regarless of max depth...
I guess it had something to do with those lines:
if count2 - 5 > 0 and level < 10 then
count2 = count2 - 5
level = level + 1
cond = (count2 - 5 > 0 and level < 10)
until (not cond)
but it didn't help to change level<6 for 10...
thanks for your time.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

sry just realised i'm still on 1.21, that code probably doesn't exist anymore... I guess i will research everything that normally would be availiable and then change the recipe for level 5

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