Crafting Efficiency

Adds technology to increase the efficiency of some recipes, auto updates recipes in assembly machines and adds a function for modders to add efficiency recipes for their items

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b recipes

4 months ago

Hello, I have found a problem. The recipes are mixed up and not in a row. I suddenly have the less number after researching or the majority again

4 months ago

Hello, I have found a problem. The recipes are mixed up and not in a row. I suddenly have the less number after researching or the majority again ore is that normal

4 months ago

I can confirm this and just noticed it tonight, for instance the electric furnace efficiency level 4 gives you 7 furnaces however level 5 only gives you 3 and then level 6 gives you 8...Also on top of this none of the plate recipes and the steel recipe doesn't work in any furnace so the researches are rather pointless.

The ones that do work are great

4 months ago

It's seem strange that now the mod have broken input/output rates, it's normal that the output it's not linear, but when it's more output the time spent to craft the recipe is more to maintain the vanilla rate + the efficiency of the recipe, anyways when i can i check the rates.

4 months ago

Basically what's being said is the linear progression of your mod is out of order. It IS normal that the output is in a linear progression and it is not. With each level of efficiency there should be 1 of 2 things happening, either the time for the crafting would get lower or the number of items per craft would get higher. The way our mod is currently the number of items per craft is all over the spectrum with what looks like levels 5 and 10 being big problems. The time to craft is absurdly high for a mod that's supposed to add efficiency as at level 6 it's already over 60 seconds to craft something like a furnace. None of the efficiency mods I've used in the past have worked the way that you are trying to get this one to. In order to have a decent flow of something like green circuits you would need 100 assemblers at level 5 and that's no where near efficient.

4 months ago

First of all the efficiency of the recipes is generally 10% and not 1 more item per level, which would be 100%, take in example the efficiency of furnaces, 10 of steel 5 of advanced circuit and 10 of stone bricks give me a furnace, if I want to give them 10% since before factorio 2. 0 there were no productivity methods with research I had to come up with a method, let's take level 1 efficiency of furnaces it requires me 100 of steel 50 of advanced circuit and 100 stone bricks, it obviously requires me 10 times the time of recipe vanilla, but it gives me in output 11 not 10 or 1, so if you go and do the calculations you get that vanilla gives me with 5 seconds of crafting so 0. 2 furnaces per second, with level 1 you get 0.216 furnaces per second, so even though it has numbers that seem totally off it is not, if you go and check the rates, which with factorio 2.0 tells you without the need for mods, you find that for the same amount of input items you have a small increase on the output given by the efficiency, and so on with all the recipes. I hope I explained myself at that how it works.

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