Copy-Paste Recipe Signals

by zomis

Copying settings from an Assembling Machine to a combinator will paste one or more signals describing the recipe. On some entities it can be pasted again to switch the signal used

8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Circuit network

g Thanks and suggestion

3 years ago

First of all, THANK YOU!

A mod that allows to do this is so core to my play style that I was going nuts since the other copy/paste mod started having issues!!!

Second, I suggest you to change the mod description to not be so direct about what it does with no changes but what it can do and explain there are options to change the behavior.
I only wanted a mod to copy the ingredients with positive values, did not care about output, time or remaining signals and was getting ready to change the code of it when I noticed the options since by the description I though the mod did not do what I needed!

Had I know about these options and would had downloaded it weeks ago!!

3 years ago

First of all, you're welcome :)

Out of curiosity I'm wondering what your playing style is / how you are using this mod?

I made an update to the description here, is that better?

3 years ago

I use MojoD make it all mall, so I want to copy the ingredients from the assembler to a combinator and only the ingredients, no extra signals.
And if playing in a Py pack where you have 15 ingredients, this feature helps a lot!!

The description now is much better, thanks

3 years ago

Also i am looking for the same feature in this or other mod

i have provided a video to MojoD's bot based ME system to make it more easy to understand where we love to have this option

8 months ago

@Solarwuff I have added a bunch of new features recently, please check the mod again to see if it supports what you were looking for :)

New response