Coop Secure Spawn Areas [WIP]

by Ismoh

Good news to announce! Coop-Secure-Spawn-Areas is now pretty stable on multiplayer sessions! It's still work-in-progress, but you are now able to create forces, join them and set the diplomancy of those forces. You are also able to clone the spawn starting area, but it's ugly atm. This mod creates teams and also modifies the map to have separated secure starting spawn areas. Think of each Base for each Team. Enjoy and have fun!

3 years ago

Please write in English. All new non-English topics will be automatically deleted. Respect other people!
Read the description and FAQ before writing something here.
All messages that are answered in the FAQ will be deleted.
Instead, if you are reporting a bug, please include in the report:
- The version of CSSA and Factorio
- Other mods in the game
- If CSSA was added after start of the game
- A brief description of what you are experiencing
- A brief description of want you are expecting
- If you got a crash, the log file "factorio-current.log" will be very helpful

Try to use the latest version of CSSA and Factorio before post a bug report, if you haven't the latest version, your bug could be already fixed!

How to report bugs!

posted by Ismoh 4 years ago
last message by Ismoh 4 years ago