Coop Secure Spawn Areas [WIP]

by Ismoh

Good news to announce! Coop-Secure-Spawn-Areas is now pretty stable on multiplayer sessions! It's still work-in-progress, but you are now able to create forces, join them and set the diplomancy of those forces. You are also able to clone the spawn starting area, but it's ugly atm. This mod creates teams and also modifies the map to have separated secure starting spawn areas. Think of each Base for each Team. Enjoy and have fun!

3 years ago

b How to report bugs!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I hope there won't be any, but you'll never know!

If there is any bug, then do the following:
1. Open your file explorer in windows (windows + e).
2. Type %appdata%/Factorio into the file explorer's path input text and pres return.
3. Go to and click on 'new issue'.
4. Insert a title, which describes your problem best and leave there a description in the comment section.
5. Don't forget to add your "factorio-current.log" to the issue, which you find at bullet point 2.

Thank you very much!

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