Hi again
I've looked into it, and I am afraid I can't actually do it except in ways which are problematic. I would have to regularly modify the solar surface multiplier (which seems like a bad idea for various reasons), or I would have to apply a script to every single panel, which would likely have a significant performance impact on very large factories. And then there are the details of mod compatibility.
In short, I don't know of any good solution right now. And I am not a programmer, so I can't/won't make anything too complicated either. I'll have to see.
Anyway, what are the specific challenges you are seeking through random variation in power supply? I know it's more realistic, but how do you imagine it would change your play style or factory design? I ask, since there is already variation in solar power and a lot of potential randomness in power consumption, which encourage the use of back-up power and power decoupling for prioritizing critical infrastructure etc. What do you think would change the most? I am curious about your opinion.