Concentrated Solar Power

Using the heat of the sun to generate power.

29 days ago

g Isn't this kind of overpowered?

2 years ago

I had a brief look at the Concentrated Solar Power plants, and they seem... REALLY powerful. I get the idea is to make solar competitive with Nuclear and such for energy production, but uh... A single plant produces 38MW of heat. That's almost a match for a Nuclear Reactor at 40MW. Sure, the solar plants are larger (9x9 vs. 5x5), but that doesn't really matter so much considering they don't take in any fuel. There's nothing to keep me from stacking them together for a 400% neighbour bonus for pretty significant returns.

That, and they require none of the Fission/Fusion fuel processing pipeline that other reactors do. Is this intended to be quite so powerful?

1 year, 7 months ago


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