Combinator Graph Generator

by sparr

Generates a graphviz diagram for the selected combinator circuits.

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
Circuit network

g How do I select the combinators?

5 years ago

Hey; I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to use this (0.17.79).

How do I activate the selection tool?

I checked the settings but didn't see anything; I also looked in the keyboard controls but there were no relevant bindings; and I clicked the little "..." down by the copy/paste/blueprint toolbar but there was nothing there either.

What am I missing?


5 years ago

I figured it out; I'm stupid. If anybody else is stuck, it just adds a recipe in the terrain group; to the right of landfill, cliff explosives, etc. Make one, then grab it from your inventory, then select, and it'll write the file to script-output.

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