Combinator Graph Generator

by sparr

Generates a graphviz diagram for the selected combinator circuits.

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
Circuit network

g Invnetory Sensor Conflict.

7 years ago

Fun mod, thank you!
Small conflict with Opetera's Inventory Sensor mod, occasionally on loading a save the error message below pops up. Disabling either mod allows the save to load. Not every save is effected, so not sure on exact steps to re-produce. Seems to have been introduced after 15.11, all was cool on 15.11. Cross-posted to Inventory Sensor too. So small bug with an easy work around.

Error while running event inventory
Sensor::on_tick(ID 0)
LauInventory API call when LuaInventory was invalid
stack traceback:
inventorySensor/control.lua:266:in function 'updateSensor'
inventorySensor/control/lua:100:in function<inventorySensor/control.lua:91

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