Combinator Fast Replace

Allows fast replacing of arithmetic and decider combinators.

5 months ago
Circuit network

g Only now?

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

I am shocked this mod appeared only now. That was a feature I've asked a lot. It must be in vanilla 2.0.
(I even considered doing this myself).

BTW, does this mod migrate current settings wherever possible? I.e.:

  • Replace Each + 0 -> Each and Each * 1 -> Each with Each != 0 -> Each
  • Replace A and B -> C with A * B -> C or A bitwise-and B -> C
  • Replace A or B -> C with A + B -> C or A bitwise-or B -> C
  • Vice versa

If not, I would suggest adding this.

Also, is this mod going to be published to an open-source repository?

5 months ago

Currently this is a 2 line mod that just adds fast replace groups to the two combinators, but I did consider having some scripting to copy the signals over.
It would be marginally useful, and I think I would make it just copy signals and constants over when applicable ignoring the operation for simplicity.

I honestly don't think it's worth publishing a 2 line mod to github in its current state, but I've been meaning to make a pass over my mods and publish some of them just for the convenience of others.
(I don't actually use git unless it's a really complicated/big mod)

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