Coloured Shortcut Tool Icons

Makes the tool icons colourful, in both the shortcut bar and in the cursor

10 hours ago

g Icons with black outline

a day ago

Good day! I hope this is what you need:

a day ago

Wwow! I wasn't expecting anyone to notice my plea for help.
How did you make them?

a day ago

Do you think you could teach me? It would be great if I could easily experiment with the thickness and colour, as I want them to match the wire icons.
(Or should I change the wire icon border? I can also have different borders for the shortcut icons vs. the cursor + factoriopedia icons, but I'd rather they be the same.

a day ago

It's quite complicated without a direct connection. But if we're talking only about the frame - then I hope this will help you:

Unfortunately, my Photoshop is Russified, I don't know the exact designation of the functionality in English. I translated it as best I could - I hope you'll figure it out.

a day ago

Thanks! I worked it out, instead of "Overlay" mine had "Blending", and instead of "Frame" it had "Stroke" (I never thought to look in that menu, as this has nothing to do with "blending"!)

a day ago

What do you think?
It took me a while as I had to resize the icons (or their border would be cropped off)

a day ago

Everything seems to be fine. Only the "blue lightning" and "projectile" are slightly cut off at the edges.

Most likely, this is because all other icons are inscribed in the size of the displayed area and a little smaller, and the "blue lightning" and "projectile" are placed as is and go beyond the size of the displayed area.

a day ago

Yeah, I tried to fix that by resizing the icons and adding some padding around it before adding the border, but it clearly didn't work properly. It took ages to do though, so I'm going to be lazy and not redo it.

a day ago

Actually I will redo it, just in a few days, as I have important work to do.
Do you think I should upload it as is, or wait till I fix it?

a day ago

I wouldn't upload unfinished work. It's just more unnecessary fuss... All this "aesthetics" doesn't really affect the work of fashion.

It's better to finish it first.

a day ago

I did an experiment and simply replaced the original icons with yours and this is what happened:

It looks like there is something wrong with your code.

a day ago

You must be using your icons,
I redid them myself because your border was the wrong colour and not thick enough.

a day ago
(updated a day ago)
  • The borders should have colour #1C1C1C, same as the wires,
  • the border for the x56 icons should be 4 pixels for the left icon, and 2 pixels for the the right one; similarly the x24 and x30 pictures should have borders of 2px and 1px

You can redo them for me if you want, just make sure to also:

  • Horizontally center the artillery targeting remote

  • The borders don't leak into the areas for the other sizes (e.g. in the x56 picture, the left 56×56 pixels shouldn't contain any pixels from the image on the right; similarly with the top-right 28×28 px)

  • (Note the right-hand icons on each picture is always half the size as indicated by the filename).
a day ago

Here are the images I made, as you can see I very much screwed the borders.

a day ago

Here's a new version:

It's unlikely to be done better. I had to redraw these icons in vector so that the outline would be clearer.

20 hours ago
(updated 20 hours ago)

Omg, perfect!
(Although if it's easy for you to fix, could you make the artillery targeting remote a little bigger, there's still some free whitespace around the edges).
Also, can I have the vector images?

20 hours ago

Also, if you're feeling like more vectorisation, if you could do that for my Recycling in Factoriopedia mod as well:

  • recycling-group.png is just quality/graphics/recycling.png, scaled up to about 100×100px, then padded to 128×128px (the same size as the base game's item groups). You'll notice the border at the top, and the left and right corners looks a bit chopped off/not-black like the rest of image. That would also be great to fix.

  • It's ok if the borders go into the padding area I just choose that to look nice & consistent with the padding in the Vanilla icons.

  • thumbnail.png is quality/graphics/recycling.png, overlayed with base/graphics/icons/science.png, and then with quality/recycling-top.png. It should be padded to about 225×225px, and scaled to 288×288px (twice the resolution of Vanilla's thumbnails).

I tried to use an AI image upscaler, and it looks kind of better, but it has lots of weirdly coloured pixels....

15 hours ago

Here is a link to Yandex disk - There are icons redrawn in vector (.psd) and a shell icon with the padding removed.

I'll see what can be done at

10 hours ago

Here is a link to Yandex disk - There are icons redrawn in vector (.psd) and a shell icon with the padding removed.

I'll see what can be done at

Wow thanks so much! I've uploaded a new version of the mod now.

10 hours ago

Icons and vector source for are located at

A couple of minor problems though:

  1. the beaker (the white thing in the middle) should look more like this, unfortunately I use Illustrator for vector graphics, so as you can see, I completely failed to edit your PSD file proper.

  2. the colours are slightly off, if it's specifically your green is too saturated compared to __quality__/graphics/icons/recycling.png. Using Photoshop's "replace colour" adjustment, I managed to get this, but it will probably be better if you can edit the vector directly (I completely failed to work out how to work out how to edit your mass of Russian layers...)

5 hours ago
(updated 5 hours ago)

Based on my professional experience, selecting and coordinating colors is a long and tedious story. I think it's easier if you adjust the colors yourself. I simplified the layer structure and additionally converted to AI

Files: recycling_new.psd and

In Photoshop, the vector layer color editing window opens by double-clicking on the layer icon in the "layers" window

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