Coloured Shortcut Tool Icons

Makes the tool icons colourful, in both the shortcut bar and in the cursor

2 months ago
2 months ago
Latest Version:
0.0.5 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
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1.36K users

Alters the shortcut icons/tool icons updated in Factorio 2.0.19 in several ways:

  • The actual item icons (seen when the tools are in the cursor, seen in Factoriopedia, signal selection, etc.) are now the same as the icons on the shortcut bar (i.e. fixes not-a-bug 124745)

  • Adds colour to the Artillery Targeting, Discharge Defence, and Spidertron Remote shortcut icons (this was necessary to make the above change actually readable)

  • Changes the colour of the Copper Wire shortcut to look more like the ingame wires (whereas the colourer added in Factorio 2.0.27 is too Orange).

  • Removes the weird extra bits at the end of the Green and Red Wire icons, for consistency with the Copper Wire icon

  • Adds a nice grey border around the remote icons (just like the wire does), credit to Keysivi for doing this!

  • Horizontally centers the discharge defence remote icon

  • Reorders the Red Wire to always appear before Green Wire (for consistency with the combinator GUI)

  • Reorders the Discharge Defence Remote to appear before the Artillery Targetting Remote, as the former is much earlier in the tech tree

  • Unfortunately, unless you're on a fresh install, the above won't affect your shortcut bar, you will instead have to manually reorder the entries in your player-data.json file (often located in C:\Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/<userid>/427520/remote/)

  • Locks the wire shortcuts until the associated technologies are unlocked, for consistency with the remotes (i.e. fixes not a bug 122605). The buttons will still show up if unlocked in your player-data.json (because you've unlocked them previously in any save), they will just be disabled/unusable.