Circuit Chips / Advanced Combinator deprecated

Factorissimo but instead of a factory warehouse it's a copy-paste circuit warehouse. [Deprecated ->]

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18
Circuit network

g How do you use this mod?

4 years ago

I've installed it, I also have no hand crafting, and crafting combinator mods installed. That's all. I can't figure out how to use your 'circuit chips' mod which is super confusing. I don't have any extra tools in my inventory, I have no clue about this supposed wrench. I'm clearly failing to comprehend how to use your mod at all. I have lots of uses for it, but... totally confused on how to use it.

4 years ago

it's unlocked with the circuitry research - where you get the regular combinators.
If you've added it to an existing save, you will need to manually run this command
/c game.player.force.reset_technology_effects()

4 years ago

ahh, I'll just have to pass on it this game then, I don't want to disable achievements. I've been working on beating the game using only one assembler placed. It'd take me 3-4 days of game play to get back to the progress I've managed with one assembler, and I haven't even managed to produce blue science packs yet. I'll have to try it out next game. Thanks for the info.