Circuit Control GUIs

Alt + Middle click on entities to open multiple circuit condition GUIs at the same time.

3 months ago
Circuit network

g Compatibility with Cybersyn

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

I've been enjoying your mod, and I find it incredibly useful. I have 2 small suggestions:

  1. Could you consider adding the function to close the GUI by pressing 'E' ?
  2. I am using both Cybersyn and Cybersyn Combinator . However, when I open the GUIs for both mods, the display appears incorrect. Can you improve compatibility between them?

Thank you for your time and effort in developing this mod.

7 months ago
  1. In order to have a GUI closed with E, it needs to be in player.opened, and unfortunately there can only be one thing in player.opened. Doing so would also make it close when you open something else regularly. I also can't make it read when you press E normally, because that is the keybind to open the inventory, so I would have no way of telling if the player is pressing E to close the GUI or to open their inventory. Speaking of inventory, I also want people to be able to open it with my GUIs open, so that's even more of an impasse.
    If you haven't seen already, you can close all of the currently visible windows by shift clicking the X button. I wish there was a better solution to this, and if I think of something I'll probably do it, but for now I think I have to leave it as is.

  2. Due to the way the mod works, I can't actually make custom GUIs for any other mods, because that would require being able to modify their mod's global variables, which is impossible without them providing an interface for me to do so directly. The only things I could reasonably do are prevent you from opening them with my mod's keybind, or set player.opened to that entity so the other mod gets an event and opens their GUI normally, which won't be able to be on screen with any other GUI that would be in player.opened. Best I can really offer is "don't do that", since you can click on them normally to open them without issues. Unfortunate, since I can't really do much about it. If you think not being able to open either of them is a good idea, I'll happily add that as a feature.

I appreciate the thanks though, I'm glad you're enjoying it in it's current state at least.

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