Circuit Checker

This mod helps in troubleshooting your circuit networks. Adds shortcut (Alt-C by default) to find possible circuit flaws in selected area. Finds unmatched inputs, unused outputs, missed wire connections.

6 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Circuit network

g Clear tips?

6 months ago

Is there a way to clear the tips? If not might I suggest some sort of shift + drag with the cursor selected?

I'll make a pr if there's a github available and you don't mind me mucking about with your code?

6 months ago

Hi! I clear the tips by dragging on some empty space, so the marks on items disappear. This, however, cannot clear some portion of the tips, only all of them. But I cannot imagine a scenario where you need to clear only some of the tips. When you need to get a better look on your circuit, you can just Alt to temporarily hide all the marks.

In any case, github is available here, feel free to open a PR.

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