Circuit Checker

This mod helps in troubleshooting your circuit networks. Adds shortcut (Alt-C by default) to find possible circuit flaws in selected area. Finds unmatched inputs, unused outputs, missed wire connections.

6 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Circuit network

g Feedback

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

I'm trying to track a bug in a very large network:

I am tracking the number of items on a sushibelt (sushi everything fun XD) everywhere that something goes onto a belt I count it, everywhere something is taken off that belt I count that too, and I have 3 overlapping networks: +items, -items, current state, current state lets inserters know when to grab items and +items and -items are so I don't need a million combinators doing individual each*-1=each.

Trouble is the network is LARGE and to highlight it all I have to also highlight the computer that utilizes the information, the computer by design has some combinators that are Errors or Warnings to your mod and this means that the console is just not enough space to try and track down issues.

I know it's a really niche use of your mod but you asked for feedback so...

Selecting a single power pole/combinator could track down every entity connected by wire to that power pole/combinator and highlight them. This would mean that it's not necessary to highlight unnecessary things in order to track down bugs like inserters that should be connected aren't.

As for anomalies if 99% of a type of thing connected to a network are one thing say read belt contents pulse mode and 1% is different say hold mode or even disable the belt maybe that 1% should be warnings... I'm not sure if you could have a computer do pattern recognition easily but if you could that'd be great.

Some sort of GUI, if you have 3000 things connected to a network then tracking down problems using console (which has no scroll feature to look at all the messages dumped into it by the mod) is not always feasible. A HUD of some kind maybe showing the errors and warnings within a radius of the player might be useful.

Talking of HUDs your mod doesn't play nice with Circuit HUD 2 though I don't expect any sort of fix for that you should be aware

And while I'm on bugs your mod doesn't like when something is connected to the Logistic Network, if I have something in the Logistic Network configuration and your tool selects it then it will complain about the circuit network conditions it doesn't need to be connected to the circuit network, it doesn't need circuit network configuration the logistic network is doing all the enabling and disabling.

Hope this helps I've been loving the mod so far though I've only had it installed for a day

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

If anyone is checking on this: this discussion is moved to Github

This thread has been locked.