Xenos Oppression: Active Factory Defence by Infantry-Like Robots | X.O.: 星球机器解放军

by Mr.YaR

Actively defend your factory with controllable and upgradable (vehicle based) robots armed with a variety of firearms. Research and combine different parts to adapt your production. Ment to be used under AAI. Now with shotguns - 1.2.0+ 积极用可控和可升级(基于车辆的)机器人配备各种火器来保卫你的工厂。研究并组合不同的零件以适应你的生产。旨在在AAI的控制下使用

4 months ago
Transportation Combat

i pack?

6 months ago

does this include all other xenos?
it is nice to have it modular so people can download what they want, but it is also nice to hava all in one option, so you don't have to download each one separated.

6 months ago

This "Active Factory Defence ..." includes only the firearmed robots.

Will take a look into an all-in-one thing =)

Happy End-of-the-year events!

6 months ago

The pack should be up.
Tell me if there's anything wrong with it Xenos Oppression Ultimate Pack

6 months ago

That was quick, nicely done, thanks!

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