Actively defend your factory with controllable and upgradable (vehicle based) robots armed with a variety of firearms. Research and combine different parts to adapt your production. Ment to be used under AAI. Now with shotguns - 1.2.0+ 积极用可控和可升级(基于车辆的)机器人配备各种火器来保卫你的工厂。研究并组合不同的零件以适应你的生产。旨在在AAI的控制下使用
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Dependant | 5.97K | |
Required dependency |
xenos-oppression-ultimate-pack >= 1.0.0 | 903 |
Optional dependency |
amt-art >= 1.0.0 | 2.54K |
Optional dependency |
amt-ac >= 1.0.0 | 2.53K |