Canal Excavator

by jurgy

Introduces a machine that can excavate tiles, extracting stone, and transforms them into water when the dug tile touches another water source

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Environment Mining Fluids

g Good mod

9 months ago

Nice idea, also the animations are beautiful and the graphics are quite detailed
Thanks for uploading this

9 months ago

Glad you like it! I'm very open to feedback, so if you have any remarks, don't hesitate to contact me.

9 months ago

You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a mod like this, finally a way to make water ways for cargo ships that doesn't enable just going "bibbity bobbity MOAT" any time a biter appears. And alongside any mod that adds biter corpse landfill, it'll actually take roughly the same amount of effort to make such a moat, as it does for the biters to fill it back in

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