C5 Galaxy Strategic Cargo Plane

Adds the C5 Galaxy strategic cargo plane to transport large amounts of cargo across long distances.

17 days ago

i independent aircraft flights, like trains or cargo ships

15 days ago

Very cool implementation, thank you.
The idea is this: is it possible to implement this transport using the example of a cargo ship?

15 days ago

Thanks a lot!

This idea sounds very good, and once I have the time (which I sadly won't until August), I'll definitely think about it more.
It's definitely possible, but due to the takeoff and landing mechanic it will also require the players to define runways or something similar, adding additional complexity, and writing the autopilot for the plane is also probably not trivial, especially if it should be precise enough for automated loading and unloading (alternatively I could add a loading/unloading terminal or parking lot building, which would also take time to implement).
Additionally, since this is my first mod, I don't have that much experience yet with the modding API (e.g. I have never touched the GUI system which would probably be relevant), making this an even bigger project.

So don't expect this to be implemented in the near future, but maybe I'll get around to add it at some point once I have more time in August :)

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