Very BZ

by brevven

Mod pack for all BZ Mods including Titanium, Lead, Tungsten, Silicon, Zirconium, Foundry & more. Turns on some settings by default, but adds nothing new to the game itself.

Mod packs
2 years ago

b [DONE] Compatibility with SE 0.6

2 years ago

I don't know if you've heard but the new version of Space Exploration (0.6) is coming out next week and it breaks pretty much all your mods (that's why I'm posting in this mod).

  • Subgroup "plates" has been removed, which breaks almost everything
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:130: No subgroup or bad subgroup for titanium-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:130: No subgroup or bad subgroup for lead-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:130: No subgroup or bad subgroup for tungsten-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:130: No subgroup or bad subgroup for zirconia. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:130: No subgroup or bad subgroup for zirconium-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:130: No subgroup or bad subgroup for aluminum-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:128: No subgroup or bad subgroup for aluminum-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:128: No subgroup or bad subgroup for titanium-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:128: No subgroup or bad subgroup for zirconium-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:128: No subgroup or bad subgroup for lead-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:128: No subgroup or bad subgroup for tungsten-plate. Subgroup: plates.
    Warning PrototypeList.cpp:128: No subgroup or bad subgroup for zirconia. Subgroup: plates.
    27.849 Error ModManager.cpp:1588: Error in assignID: item-subgroup with name 'plates' does not exist.

  • Vulcanite has been removed from core mining and replaced with pyroflux (which is a fluid), and recipes for most metals, basic and special, have been changed to casting-style production : melt the ore with pyroflux, then cast ingots. Couldn't really test those changes because the mods don't load, but that's a lot of recipes changes to adapt.

Good luck with all that, hit us up in the SE discord if you need more information !

2 years ago

Newest versions should be fully compatible with 0.6. More tweaks are likely over coming days and weeks.

2 years ago

brevven, you absolutely rock my man!

2 years ago


2 years ago

The new game has started and everything is running smoothly for now.
Thanks a lot for the quick updates :D

New response