
by brevven

Adds tungsten ore (wolframite), tungsten plates, tungsten carbide and rocket engine nozzles to the base game. Available after green science, tungsten and the various intermediates are used throughout the vanilla game. Compatible with RSO, Space Exploration and Krastorio 2, and several other mods. Part of BZ Mods.

9 months ago
Mining Manufacturing

i Aeroframe pole

2 years ago

SE has item - Aeroframe pole. This item uses Iron stick and Berrylium plate. I suggest changing iron to tungsten because it will be more stylish and logical for midgame items.

2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. I agree it would be nice to get tungsten into some more midgame SE items. Right now I have it in heat shielding, which works reasonably well both mechanically and thematically.

I am not sure if the aeroframe pole is the right spot to add another use. Aeroframe pole and scaffold end up in a lot of downstream recipes so it would have a big impact. While mechanically it fits well, as tungsten is not often used for structural elements (in space or otherwise) it does not feel like a thematic place to put it.

I will keep it in mind and keep my eyes open.

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