
by brevven

Adds tungsten ore (wolframite), tungsten plates, tungsten carbide and rocket engine nozzles to the base game. Available after green science, tungsten and the various intermediates are used throughout the vanilla game. Compatible with RSO, Space Exploration and Krastorio 2, and several other mods. Part of BZ Mods.

9 months ago
Mining Manufacturing

b [FIXED] error while loading

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Space exploration
deadlock stacked recipes
deadlock stacked extensions for: vanilla, krastorio, spaceexploration, aii
game crashes on launch showing error with tungsten + stacked recipes (but only if also having krastorio)

"piercing-round-magazine" (recipe) duplicate ingredients (tungsten-plate) exists 2 or more times

3 years ago

found another one,
one a clean mod folder, get:
space exploration package
tungsten(just this one)
AND bob's library...

tried looking into it myself and it all comes down to util.add_prerequisite function getting called
it's really weird because it works well with above mods when separated, but with all of these enabled it clashes with SE-postprocess

3 years ago

Thanks for the reports!

For the second one -- it looks like if Bob's Library is enabled alongside Space Exploration Postprocess, it assumes everything else that matches is from bob's. So even though you're not using bobplates (Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates), it still makes that change.

I've implemented a workaround for this one that's in the newest release. I might eventually talk to Earendel about a small update to the postprocess to avoid it without need for workaround, but this should work for now.

Now, for the first one, it looks like you have no Bob's enabled, correct? I can't reproduce it, but I am adding a check in to try to prevent this issue from occurring.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

and Thank you for fixing!
I did what i typed in the first post and you right, you also need to change Krastorio setting 'more realistic weapons' to OFF
then it crashes

(also the only mods from you i used to recreate the crash are 'bz-dsr-bridge_0.2.0' and 'bztungsten_0.1.4'. and these i listed in first post )

3 years ago

Ah thanks, was able to reproduce, and applied a general fix.

3 years ago

lightning speed, thanks again

3 years ago

Hi, wanted to let you know I have made an update (in 0.3.0)

I've improved compatibility with bobplates, In order to do this effectively, I've had to change things around a bit with respect to the bob's library issue above. So, if you update to Tungsten 0.3.0 or higher, you will also need to update to Space Exploration Postprocess 0.5.20 or higher. You might also need to re-research Tungsten Processing, but other than that, it should be fine.

New response