
by brevven

Adds aluminum, alumina, cables, alloys and more to the game. Compatible with RSO, Krastorio 2 and Space Exploration. A standalone piece of BZ Mods.

a month ago
Mining Manufacturing

i Lock military 1 by Copper procesing

8 months ago

Good afternoon. It seems to me that the first military research should be blocked by copper proccesing, or it should be changed a little.
The problem is that the player can study the miitary technology and the turret gun, can craft them, but the ammo requires copper, and without the ammo these 2 technologies are a bit useless :)

4 months ago

Hello, sorry for delay.

I'm probably forgetting a specific configuration here, as it's been a few months, but I am not seeing the early magazines requiring copper, except in some alternative optional recipes in niche setups. Can you help me figure out if this is an issue in a setup you are using?

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