Bulk Teleporters

by dorfl

Use spare gigajoules to teleport shipments of items.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g possable flammable oils problem?

5 years ago

Hi again, not a big issue but I had a problem with Flammable oils mod and Bulk Teleporters, this error happened while screwing with my friend and blowing up his oil storage connected to and right next to one of the Fluid rematerializers. Please see screenshot for details :)


5 years ago

Thanks for the report. I think this one isn't a BT bug. We call LuaEntity:die() on one of our entities, but the actual error occurs in Flammable Oils event handling code. FO may need to cache entity.force on control.lua:127 in case the original entity object becomes invalid while other mods respond to FO LuaEntity:damage() calls.

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