Bulk Teleporters

by dorfl

Use spare gigajoules to teleport shipments of items.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g 2 Dematerializer 2000 and 1 rematerializer Possable? Am I doing this right

5 years ago

First off, I LOVE THE MOD, great work on it. the x(1) was a bit confusing since i was putting x1 into the materializers initially, rather then x (qty) to differentiate them.
Anyways, I have 2 coal mines at different locations feeding 2 different dematerializers and I want them both to send to my main bus coal rematerializer...
I have the constant combinator on both senders marked as L(1) and the receiver with L(1) is this correct? is it possible to do this?
Below is a link to the screenshot of the combinator screen images.... It could be working but Iv limited testing on it and cant pull out 20+k worth of coal to test that much, lol....

Thank you :)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Yes, a dematerializer will target any available rematerializer on the same network. The rules for picking a target are listed on the mod info tab.

L(1) is fine. The signal is just used as a network name to group teleporters. I personally use O(n) for ores, P(n) for plates, I(n) for intermediates etc... but this is Factorio so it's up to you :)

5 years ago

Sweet, thank you and again fantastic job on the mod. Yeah right now my friend and I just have a normal base so I am sure we will redo the nomenclature if we grow to the point beyond teleporting just ores.
I noticed some other people asking for color coding/icon use and such. Perhaps the magic lamp mod will help them, attach it to any box/entity and it will display the contents icon + qty and a option to display its name.... Below are some screenshots :)
The coal does not contrast well so I put some concrete behind it

Thanks again you are amazing! Keep up the fantastic work
P.s. Add green glowy glowy into the rematerializer/dematerializer, I love green glowy glowy, lol.

5 years ago

Actually, just another detail that perhaps I misunderstood from your question -- dematerializer 2000 will only send to rematerializer 2000, and regular dematerializer to regular rematerializer. They can't send to a target of a different tier because of inventory sizes and cycle recipes.

This might change in the future...

5 years ago

Thanks, that prob would have become a question of mine in the future but all of mine are 2000's atm :)

New response