Bulk Teleporters

by dorfl

Use spare gigajoules to teleport shipments of items.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Multiple signals for one teleporter

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Is it possible to setup a signaling so teleporter would only work if combination of signals match?

For example C(1)O(1) - would not take resources to C(1)M(1).

Reason for this is so that it would be easier to differentiate networks (e.g. Copper Ore vs Copper plates). Currently I'm signaling different subnets, but those numbers is getting harder to remember as factory grows.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Currently what you describe isn't possible, though it would certainly be possible to implement. The question is how to allow people to choose between AND (your request) and OR (current behaviour), like train station rules. Maybe require a mode signal of some sort?

You're right that remembering gets hard. For my largest test base I've been putting a grid of icons off to one side of the map view, labelled with teleport networks. When I forget, I zoom out.

It also turned out to be easier to label by class of item rather than item name, ie P(n) for all plates. O(n) for ores. I(n) for intermediates. C(n) for circuits, etc. But that might just be me.

I'm also wondering about avoiding networks with n=1 because it's the default, and a couple times a teleport cycle has fired before I had a chance to increase the value.

5 years ago

How about color coding? For example while color = AND, no color = OR

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