Bulk Teleporters

by dorfl

Use spare gigajoules to teleport shipments of items.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

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6 years ago

Maybe I am missing something, i have items being sent to the Dematerializers, but they are not sending them to Rematerializer. I do have them set up with the same network and power. The dematerializer has a massive storage full of ores waiting to be sent over. using the latest 0.16 version

6 years ago

Is the dematerializer completely full? Alternatively does it send if you add a green signal?

6 years ago

gonna run a test in a bit, it just may be the power is too low

6 years ago

If not happening, got a save file?

6 years ago

I was not providing enough power, not i got one rematerializer going crazy, materializing more ores than i thought i had. in the process of emptying it out.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Ah ok, cool.

The current rematerializer design actually holds up to two shipments -- one visible in the output buffer inventory and one "still cached somewhere in the energizer matrix" :) which streams into the output buffer as space becomes available.

The alternative rematerializer design would be to wait until the output buffer is completely empty before starting a cycle, but since the dematerializer can start refilling its input buffer while a cycle is in progress, the current approach seems balanced.

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