Brave New Assembling Machines

This mod adds three assembling machines that are larger, can make fluid items, and are a host selectable speed

7 hours ago


Version: 1.0.2
- Removed circular dependency with brave new oarc
Version: 1.0.1
- Added thumbnail to mod
Version: 1.0.0
- Initial release
- Now support animation - thanks bits-orio for reporting this
- If you turn off notification, that will only stop notification to other players and listening
  to notification from others players asms that are about to explode
- hiding your base will also disable notification of exploding asms to everyone except you.
	hide:  game.players["JustGoFly"].force.share_chart=false
- added remote interface to enable other mods to set the surface they are using for game play.
  Currently only one surface is supported. Example use within your mod:
      if game.active_mods["brave-new-assembling-machines"] and not global.surface_index_set then
  "set_surface", "set_surface_asms_reside", game.surfaces["oarc"].index)
All previous versions existed within Brave New Oarc and moved to it's own mod in v 4.2.69
Version: 4.2.69
  Fixed new ASM's so that upgrading a 4 goes to a 5, and 5 goes to 6.
  ASM's - mad max liquid storage in the asm to 400
Version: 4.2.68
BNO Assembling Machines:
- Big Red ASM's - limit crafting speed to 10 max.
  Power usage set to an exponentially increasing amount based on max level.
  Some of the lower levels will be lower power usage than before since the levels were flatter levels.
  Many settings for each ASM level 4..6 scale with the level, health, speed, cost to research and 
BNO Roboport:
- Selection and collision box increased a bit, to cover more of the image.
Version: 4.2.67
- Changed how fluids flow through Big Red Assembling Machines. This should fix say an ASM making 
  Rocket fuel with output of a pipe into an ASM making solid fuel via light oil.
- Someone joining, watching but not joining gamee, quiting, then later rejoining could be thrown 
  into a random location in the game. This is fixed.
Version: 4.2.66
- Big Red asm will be outfit with fluid support, and it should look, act pretty cool. 
  Dual input and dual output on each side of the assembling machine.

  All bug fixes will update your save, by adding this version to your mods folder.