Bob's Vehicle Equipment

A range of equipment for use in vehicles of Bob's Mods.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g [Not a bug]compatibility

3 years ago

Bobvehicleequipment (or bobequipment) replaces mod equipment for "Companion Drones" mod. I think this is wrong, please add to the exceptions.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


My mod is WAAY older, so my initial thoughts is "That mod should adapt to work with mine", then I saw who made it. Klonan.

Reading through the code though, everything is prefixed with "companion", so it shouldn't be an issue. It looks like all their equipment is made specifically for the Companion, a Spidertron type entity.

My own testing shows that this is the case.

So... what isn't working correctly?

3 years ago

Bobvehicleequipment/Bobequipment turns off companion drones own equipment and replaces all his equipment with his own.

if I understand correctly, you say that they are a "copy" of the spidertron and the problem is that their equipment belongs to the "vanilla" group, which leads to its replacement?

3 years ago

The thing is, I actually tried this. what you're saying, I do not see it.

I built the companion drone, and some of the companion equipment, and put the companion equipment in the companion drone, with no issues.

Then again, I tested with all of my mods, plus the Companion drones mod, and nothing else. If you have something else installed, I would need to know that information, but it is likely that if you do have other mods installed, then those mods are breaking companion drones, not mine.

You'd be surprised at just how many mods try and integrate into, or change my mods, and break other mods in the progress, it is not uncommon, in fact it's very common. I get more bug reports for issues about other mods breaking each other when mine are installed than I do about bugs in my own mods.

3 years ago

Indeed, disabling other mods makes it work fine.
I will be looking for a mod that breaks normal behavior.

3 years ago

Found a problem, I shouldn't have redefined the grids via the Vehicle Grid mod, they rebuild incorrectly, leading to hardware confusion.

3 years ago

Ah yes, that does sound like it would do that. The author probably knows about my mod, but not Klonan's Companion Drones mod, so tries to change the category of all vehicles to accept my equipment, which would break Klonan's.

Klonan does some amazing things, I guess that's one of the advantages of being a dev.

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