Bob's Vehicle Equipment

A range of equipment for use in vehicles of Bob's Mods.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g how to use plasma cannon

8 years ago

im a moron how do you fire the plasma cannon

8 years ago

The solar panels dont seem to do anything? Even with fully charged batteries it doesnt power the vehicle. Are they only supposed to power other onboard equipment?

8 years ago

yes the power generators only work the equipment you still need fuel for it to drive its like poweramror

8 years ago

Get close enough to enemies and it will fire so long as you have enough electricity it will fire at them. Careful near your base as the area damage can blow up your buildings.

7 years ago

Also, it will kill you and your vehicle. Beware!

7 years ago

The Vehicle roboports, I can't get them to work, am I missing something? Wanted to put one in my train.

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