Bob's Power

Adds new power structures.

6 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i [Fixed]Heat Pipes

3 years ago

So I'm just barely starting Nuclear Power in this game, and I was wondering if there is anyway you can know the through put of Heat pipes, like with this mod I noticed there are now Heat pipe 2's and Heat Pipe 3. Is there anyway you can see how much through put they can handle?

3 years ago

It's been reported as a bug that they don't show you the information, but, they basically have double and triple the capacity of the base one.

Though, I'm not entirely sure the better ones do transfer the heat faster, they just have a capacity. when you think about how pipes work, the bigger pipes are actually slower, so while the higher tier heatpipes do have a higher capacity and flow rate, the fact that they do have a higher capacity means they take longer to heat up, but I guess when things are up and running, they'll run for longer.

3 years ago

Cool thanks!

1 year, 1 month ago

Heat pipe tooltips have been updated to give more information.

New response