Bob's Power

Adds new power structures.

9 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g not working with 0.18.10

4 years ago


4 years ago

18.934 Error Util.cpp:83: Error while loading entity prototype "bob-burner-generator" (burner-generator): Idle animation must have the same frame count as animation.

4 years ago

Experiencing the same issue.

4 years ago

Me too. It's a thing.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I have a temporary fix for this by removing the burner generator:
- Open Bob's Power mod folder
- Search burner-generator.lua
- add "--[[" to the begin of the file and "--]]" to the end of the file without the quotes
- The mod should work now without the burner generator

Hope it gets fixed soon! :)

Edit: It's Fixed

4 years ago

I uploaded a fix a short while ago.

New response