Bob's Power

Adds new power structures.

1 year, 21 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Add angels compatibitility

5 years ago

Angels Petrochem changes a lot of the oils. This means only crude can be burned. It would be good to have this mod be compatible/have a patch. It is wierd that fuel oil does not have a fuel value.
This might be better served in a different mod but i am not sure which.

5 years ago

You'd need to talk to Angel about that, apparently he removes fuel values on purpose.

I have no idea why he does, and honestly, the fact that he removes it from liquid fuel, and no from crude oil is really strange (because if I were doing such a thing, I'd remove it from everything except liquid fuel).

it also messes with Bob's metals, chemicals and intermediates intended flow, because you're supposed to get rid of hydrogen (steel requires Oxygen, which you get by doing Electrolysis, which also gives you hydrogen) by burning it in one of the many new "oil burning" entities, I usually use an oil boiler (I know, hydrogen is a gas, not an oil, but has a fuel value. someone suggested I rename things) but with angels, you pretty much have no choice but to void it.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

The issue is that crude is about the only oil which does not get replaced. Angels fuel oil is a different entity and most other fluids are too.

I have no idea why though & he has the feedback section disabled.

5 years ago

Poke him on the forums.

But, there's about 8 fluids in bob's mods that have a fuel value.
crude oil and it's 3 products.
Glycerol(just because it has a fuel value, it's not really a good fuel), liquid fuel, hydrogen and hydrazine.

They're all supposed to have a fuel value and do by the time my mods have finished with them.
if they're removed, or no longer have a fuel value after angel has finished with them, there's nothing I can do about it.

5 years ago

To ensure compatibility& prevent perpetuo mobiles he probably added his own variants. I just remembered there is a converter valve. So now i am still slightly confused about why fuel oil has way more Joule in its liquid state instead of the solid fuel state.

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