Bob's Power

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1 year, 14 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Fusión Reactor mk3?

5 years ago

You could make a fusion Reactor mk3, with 120MW production, and working with some special fuel made from uranium, thorium and plutonium, built from mk2 Reactor, gold heat pipes, and something else, to match mk3 pipes and heat exchangers

5 years ago

yeah usually when i go for nuclear its already late game so i go for deuterium . maybe add tritium requirement for fusion
(byproduct of uranium/ thorium cells) would add some spice .

5 years ago

yeah usually when i go for nuclear its already late game so i go for deuterium . maybe add tritium requirement for fusion
(byproduct of uranium/ thorium cells) would add some spice .

I've been thinking about how best to make the deuterium more balanced, adding Tritium or Helium 3 sound like the best options, the question is where to get the stuff. I have some plans written down.

5 years ago

Some info from wikipedia : "naturally occurring tritium is extremely rare on Earth. The atmosphere has only trace amounts, formed by the interaction of its gases with cosmic rays. It can be produced by irradiating lithium metal or lithium-bearing ceramic pebbles in a nuclear reactor." so maybe adding lithium on the nuclear fuel cells recipe and some % of tritium as byproduct of fuel recycle and/or a uranium/thorium breeder reactor mk2 or reactor recipe(if thats possible).

5 years ago

many of the people I've talked to have basically agreed that the centrifuge is a mini reactor for processing nuclear stuff, so the recipe would probably just be to put lithium and some nuclear material (Probably U238) in a centrifuge...

the problem there is that the centrifuge has no pipe connections, and would probably look silly if you tried to add them. (and you'd get the same issue just from recycling fuel cells too)
but yes, this is something already in my notes.

5 years ago

:) .then maybe the easier way is to add a step in nuclear fuel recycle : 1) trition extraction on a assembly machine 2+ 2) proper fuel recycle .

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