Bob's Power

Adds new power structures.

1 year, 20 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Mod not loading in versione 0.17.23

5 years ago

Everithing was fine till 15 minutes ago, then my server decide to update to base versione 0.17.23 and it didn't load anymore.

In the log, during mod loading, it complain about ageing of prototype definition (warning) and the absence of electric-energy-accumulators-1 (error).
Full log:

5 years ago

Ah problem is that electric-energy-accumulators-1 is renamed to electric-energy-accumulators.

5 years ago

yep, seems so

5 years ago

Probsably you can provissorialy fix it by yourself in local by changing the files, but that's a bit more complicated in a server

5 years ago

Not easy fix, lots changed actually its just not the accus, Bob is working on it.

5 years ago

The accumulator fix was easy to fix, done in a minute. but I was unable to test if that was a true fix as Warfare mod and Logistics mod also had issues. I've fixed them all now and am doing some final tweaks before uploading.

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