Bob's Power

Adds new power structures.

1 year, 20 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

b "error in assign:ID, fluid with name 'hydrazine' does not exist" crash on load

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

bob's power version: 0.16.2
crashes on load in factorio 0.16.27
source: hydrazine-generator
fluid with name: hydrazine does not exist.
modification: bob's revamp mod

crash occurs when bob's revamp mod is loaded alongside bob's power. in my pack, disabling the revamp mod prevents this crash. bob's revamp mod can similarly be loaded without bob's power installed alongside it.

not sure what changes in 16.27 brought this bug up, cause they worked fine together in previous versions. and the release notes don't list any changes that would explain this (to my knowledge). so IDK.
Some strange interaction between the revamp mod and bob's power now in 0.16.27.

7 years ago

maybe bobplates error...

7 years ago

looked back on the notes from these tests, and bob's plates was not installed/enabled. wasn't even in the selection of mods being tested against each other.

7 years ago

possible that "if bob's revamp mod is enabled, bob's power then REQUIRES bob's plates rather than bob's plates being optional?

7 years ago

that's what it looks like!!!
Bobingabout, check that: if bob's revamp mod and bob's power are installed, bob's power than requires bob's plates (that dependency is no longer optional)
Unfortunately, i don't think the dependency logic of factorio enables such a three-way check to determine if a mod is required or optional.

two options seem available: a change to bob's revamp mod that checks for bob's plates before altering bob's power 's recipes. Or to put a note in bob's revamp mod that states if "such and such is installed, bob's plates is also mandatory".

6 years ago

I manage to fix it on my local copy, at least, at the expense of not having the hydrazine generator at all. In the code that adds that generator there's a line that checks if bobrevamp is active before adding it. It needs to also check for bobplates, because hydrazine doesn't exist otherwise. That line exists in five prototype files, one each under entity, item and technology and two under migrations. With it changed it appears to work fine for me at least, and anyone with some knowledge of programming should be able to apply the same fix for themselves if they so desire.

I could be misunderstanding the error and maybe there's actually a way to fix it and still have the generator, but that works for me for now until Bob updates the mod.

New response