Bob's Power

Adds new power structures.

1 year, 20 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Description Please?

8 years ago

What does this add? What power structures? Any details or a link to where they are would be great thanks!

7 years ago

I'd also like to see this!

7 years ago

I third this! Just checked the forums and there seems to be a lot of people loving a mod but I have no idea how anyone got into it if nobody knows what it does?!

7 years ago

seems like there are no details on any bob mods, no index, nothing. i was thinking about trying bob mods but i dont have a damn clue what it contains. AT LEAST a picture would be nice? cmon

7 years ago

The descriptions of all Bob's mods can be found in the forum. this one adds new boilers, steam engine, solar panels, poles, etc... Everything in the production and distribution of energy.
all the topics are named like "Bob's {mod name} mod", best thing to do, install them all and enjoy life (maybe not enemies and warfare if you don't want to fight bitters ;) )

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